The Recycled-Robots roadshow presented at the Twente Biennale 2011! Horseshoe crab, S.P.O.T, flatpackwalkers, 3D printers printing printer parts.. the Photo Telex, etc.. See the youtube clip below:Read more
The Recycled-Robots roadshow presented at the Twente Biennale 2011! Horseshoe crab, S.P.O.T, flatpackwalkers, 3D printers printing printer parts.. the Photo Telex, etc.. See the youtube clip below:Read more
Use an old iron, set at maximum temperature. Use bake sheets, fold a lot of old plastic bags in between, press hard with the iron.. The idea was also presented at fab6. Now the plastic sheet has been used on a normal sewing machine to make a small wallet. Next up: the big obligatory messengerRead more
Talking about thwarting the Demo-effect. At the opening last Thursday (2011-02-17) of an exhibition of my work I tried to get about 18 of my installations up and running (not simultaneously). Most of them worked (at a second go). Good result all in all – the title ‘don’t worry, everything’s under control’ remains well chosen,Read more
Having recently bought a Babboe cargo bike, my workshop was littered with big cardboard boxes. What to do.. what to do.. A quick look around on the net yielded this designer of cardboard bookshelves. One hour later the babookshelf (babboekenkast) was a fact… The shelves have been made out of double cardboard, stuffed with rolledRead more
During Fab6, the international fablab conference, the printerprinter has been presented during a session on ‘refab’ at the fablab Amersfoort. Results of the workshop, presentation slides etc. can be found on the wiki. The workshop resulted in a set of ‘house rules’ for refab in fablabs (but they equally apply to work in whatever labRead more
The printer-printer from the previous post was shown for the first time to the public at the Gogbot 2010 festival in Enschede. In a steel shipping container a small recycled-robotics lab was created featuring ‘pix’ – the pneumatic robot desk-light and a remote controlled power-socket-with-construction-light called the ‘Color Chaser’.Read more
With the StarLC10 matrix repstrap ending up as pizza plotter, a start has been made building a new 3D machine using only the parts of 3 HP deskjet 840c printers. The printers contain many useful parts, the casing is made almost entirely out of ABS (printing material, hurray!) Especially the sliders come in nice, rectangularRead more
New A4 flat-kit design: a 18-servo 6-legged hexapod. It does not walk (yet) but servo control works and the mechanics look good: All parts can be cut from a single A4 sheet of acrylic glass. Other parts include 18 miniature servo’s (selling for 5EUR as TopLine mini-servo ES-05 JR (at Conrad Electronic)) and an ottantottoRead more
Using a telephone retro-interface and Arduino wav-shield-derivative a box has been build which allows you to use an old rotary phone as standalone dial-a-song system. This makes an excellent CD-pre-listening device for our CD-sales stand at concerts. The system is fully documented (including schematics, software, PCB layout) on the wiki. Although numerous designs have beenRead more
As presented for the first time on FAB6, using a Sharp gp2y0a02 sensor the flatpack-walker just got a little bit smarter. As long as the distance sensor is triggered, the robot walks backwards. The code is still pretty simple:
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// avoid obstacles using Sharp G2P sensor on Analog 0 #include <Servo.h> Servo frontservo,backservo; char walkpattern[] = {60,100,100,100,100,60,60,60}; void setup(){ frontservo.attach(9); backservo.attach(10); } void loop(){ for(int n=0;n<4;n++){ if(analogRead(0)>500){ frontservo.write(walkpattern[2*n]); backservo.write(walkpattern[(2*n)+1]); } else{ backservo.write(walkpattern[2*n]); frontservo.write(walkpattern[(2*n)+1]); } delay(200); } } |